The May edition of FutuConnect features our work in shaping Betolar's digital strategy and developing a React Native app for wearable tech. It also includes a practical introduction to Journey Ops and how it can enhance your CX. You can also find a broader selection of industry references here. Also, listen to our latest podcast (Finnish) episode by Tuomas Syrjänen, Chief AI Renewal Officer on the role of AI.
Betolar had identified scalability in the Lab and R&D operations as an enabler for its strategic objectives. Futurice supported Betolar in identifying the right digital strategy for their next-generation building material solution and making the development process more data-driven, scalable, and efficient.
How do you manage the multiple moments of your many services? How does all the customer data collected impact your operations on an organizational scale? Measure, manage, and enhance your CX with Journey Operations.
At its core, breathesimple is an innovative app that integrates with a wearable ring to enhance sleep quality. With the Circul+ ring integration powered by React Native on the new app, we moved beyond smartphone-based biometric monitoring.
In the latest episode of our Tiennäyttäjät-podcast, Tuomas Syrjänen, one of the founders of Futurice and Chief AI Renewal Officer, shares his views on the role of AI as a renewer of knowledge work and business models. He emphasizes that the effective use of technology requires cultural change, consistent leadership, and a commitment to renewing processes and developing a human-centric operational model.