What’s one skill or technology you’ve learned recently that has had an impact on your work?
We’ve been using Datadog for a while now. One especially cool feature amongst others is compliance scanning. It can continuously scan live environments and give feedback on how well they fulfill different compliance requirements and frameworks. Although not all findings are always accurate, this is one more tool in a toolbelt, helping you create even more compliant services.
Is there a hobby or interest that you’re passionate about?
I am really passionate about writing. No matter whether it is writing books or blog posts or filling LinkedIn with content, just being able to write something that other people will read tickles me in a good way. The bad news is that most of the texts I have written are processed in my head before the actual typing. This means that I am always preoccupied and deep in my thoughts.
Any tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance?
The older I am, the more I start to understand the phrase “but it is nice”. This means that if you find something nice, just bleeping enjoy it! Other people drink coffee or tea but you enjoy hot cocoa? Don’t feel bad, go for it! Do you love wearing a pink hoodie with a glitter unicorn? If it is nice, just do it! Do you enjoy looking at pictures of 80's cassette players? If it brings you joy, so be it! These small enjoyable things make the sometimes not-so-enjoyable life more magical and reduce stress.